How to Change the Store Currency


Last Update há 3 anos

The currency that your customers use to pay for their orders can be different from the currency of your payouts. Your store currency on your store can also be different from the currency in your bank account. When you create an online store with ecomnation, the currency is a separate parameter you are asked to configure while using the setup wizard.

You can change your store's currency type at any time. To do so, log in to your admin panel dashboard and:

  1. Hover over the gear icon [1].
  2. Choose Settings [2] on the drop-down list.
  3. You will be taken directly to the Preferences menu [3]:

On the Preferences menu, you’ll find the currency box at the bottom of the page.

  1. Select the appropriate Currency on the drop-down list [1].
  2. Make sure to click the blue Save Changes button [2]:

Note: Please note that when your store currency is changed, no currency conversions will be applied. Your product prices will all remain as they are, numerically.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]

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